“On the one hand, digitization can be expected to give project management a boost, because it is primarily driven by projects. Will the project manager become a control center due to the growing complexity, the increasingly distributed and interdisciplinary teams, often from different organizations, networked as a generalist? “Asks Project magazine in a blog parade to project manager2030. I would like to participate in this in this context. The project manager today! What about the project manager today? A keyword is probably the technical management of employees in the matrix organization. A kind of toothless tiger who has to get people to work on his project in addition to their day-to-day business. It is seldom that you are assigned full-time staff, because even if you do, the employee is often still on 5 other projects. At least that’s my impression. The project manager has to motivate and bring the various…
Digitization is on everyone’s lips and does one thing above all: It produces many collective terms or also called buzzwords. These often have one thing in common, namely the ending 4.0. I have been asked a lot lately what this 4.0 actually means and whether there is also a 3.0, because I also use many terms in the blog with the ending 4.0 in the blog, such as Work 4.0 Consulting 4.0 Leadership 4.0 Industry 4.0 Medium-sized companies 4.0 I have explained all of these terms individually and do not want to go into any further detail. However, I would like to take a closer look at the ending 4.0 and provide an attempt to explain it. What does 4.0 mean – an attempt to explain The viernull-Magazin.de says: “Web 2.0” seems to be the mother of all “x.0 combinations”. This is especially true for trends that have to do…
As part of my doctoral thesis at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, I am conducting a survey about the competencies and skills a digital leader should have in the modern age. Anyone who exercises disciplinary leadership or professional leadership (assignment of tasks: project manager, senior consultant, agile coach, scrum master, etc.) is allowed to participate. I would be happy if you would help me and fill out the 10 minute survey! The survey is over! [Survey ended ] Definition of digital leadership Digital leadership can therefore be viewed as a leadership behavior, how corporate leaders and top executives think and act in order to master the challenges in the digital age. According to this, digital change is not just technology, software or organizational change, but charismatic and transformational leadership that fills the routines of technical and bureaucratic management with life, which is conveyed by visionary leaders. This leadership behavior begins with the…
tolia[fotolia]For many years everything was very clear with regard to generation management: We have a Generation X who works diligently and loyally for us and a Generation Y who is looking for meaning and self-fulfillment. The consequences can now be clearly seen: companies are increasingly turning into luxury hotels with relaxation rooms, open spaces and, in some cases, fully equipped fitness studios. But now there is another generation that is pushing its way into the labor market: Generation Z. The result is hybrid teams from three generations that present managers with tough challenges. After a short introduction, I would like to give differentiated recommendations for the management of the three generations. Generation X If you look at that Portal Absolventa, one finds the following definition: For the so-called Generation X this is professional advancement the most important goal when looking for a job. At least that is what the study…
Digitization is changing people and markets. It causes disruptive upheavals in entire industries, creates new digital-centric companies and requires established companies to make considerable efforts to cope with the transformation activities associated with these digitization processes. New procedural models have to be learned, tried and tested thought patterns have to be broken and, last but not least, innovation activities have to be understood as continuous necessities. At the same time, there are significant opportunities in digital business to renew competitive advantages, improve existing process structures and realign your own products, services and business models (Source: Digital Business Leadership von Kreuzer et al.). In the aforementioned book: Digital Business Leadership, three very exciting questions were asked, which I would like to list here and which I would also like to try to answer in the course of the article: What distinguishes digital business leadership and how can this be achieved? But…
The Chief Digital Officer (CDO), a new management position, is increasingly being created to plan and implement the digital transformation in companies. In view of this development, the question arises whether the Chief Information Officer (CIO) cannot also be responsible for the digital transformation in organizations (Source: Walchshofer and Riedl). But what does a Chief Digital Officer do? Tasks of the CDO In their study, Walchshofer and Riedl examined the various tasks of the CDO on the basis of job advertisements. So both state: The CDO is responsible for developing the digital strategy responsible. This strategy is derived from the corporate strategy and should be implemented by the CDO and anchored in the company. Farther he is responsible for controlling and checking the change. It should develop and derive new business models and check them for feasibility. The central task of the CDO is also to create efficient structures. By…
Requirements management or requirements engineering describes “the engineering definition of the requirements for a system; in system analysis related to computer-aided (computer system) business information systems, in software engineering to software products. ” (Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon) A management discipline that, as agile requirements engineering, is always in demand wherever complex systems are developed in processes that are strongly based on division of labor. One of the main tasks of requirements engineering is first of all to use the representation to determine the respective requirements profile – also known as requirements analysis. These determined requirements are also documented. In this context, agile requirements engineering requires that knowledge be actively imparted to the team. When checking and coordinating the requirements, the RE must plausibly and conclusively prove the correctness of the requirements. As the last core activity, Chris Rupp and the SOPHISTs (2014, p. 14) describe the administration of requirements. Parts of the…
The digital transformation is hitting German companies like a steam hammer. To clarify this trend typified by many magazines, this article examines triggers, people and employees in digital transformation. To do this, I examined the hashtags future work, digital work and leading digital. The first part of the article examines why companies strive for “leading digital” and what this exactly means. In the second part, digital work is discussed as an answer to digital transformation. Leading digital Leading digital means market leadership through digital transformation of the company and / or the business model. The article deals with why companies are striving for this and how this change manifests itself exactly and which steps are necessary to implement it. The trigger of the digital transformation The digital transformation is called the rapid growth of technology launches in German companies. Through global markets and a high level of competition, companies strive…
The digital transformation is changing the world of work and, according to many authors, calls for agile leadership. One Article on the topic of agile leadership You will find here. Before that, I would like to turn to the topic of digital leadership. But first of all: what is this digital transformation actually? Due to the rapid increase in technologies, we speak of a “digital transformation” in every area. Famous examples include Apple, which has fundamentally digitized the music industry and has thus reacted to the new customer request: to have music anytime, anywhere. Kodak also had to fundamentally change its business model from analog cameras to digital ones. Many authors do not want to say whether the digital transformation is an evolution or a revolution and therefore speak of the “digital (r) evolution”. Along with this, the leadership and the world of work also change. This is under the…
Agility as a strategic and organizational principle is increasingly understood in the digitalized world as a success factor for companies of all types and sizes Innosabi’s blog . The agile way of thinking and acting, which is a matter of course for young startups, often develops in the opposite direction with increasing maturity and size of a company: flexibility becomes rigidity, speed is lost and planning replaces action. The digital change Competitive pressure is increasing in every industry. More and more new companies are entering the market, bursting with new ideas regarding the customer experience. Due to changing customer needs, digital change comes first. This is also shown by the figure that in addition to price and cost pressure, digital transformation is at the top of the list. The example of Kodak or Apple shows that digital change is fundamentally linked to corporate success. Kodak has had to painfully experience…