Corona is still ubiquitous. As of May 2020, 7.3 million people have been on short-time work and more than 40,000 new unemployed people have been registered as GDP has fallen by 2.2%. Especially in times of lockdown, 25% of German employees worked from home. Like in my new book “ Virtual teams and home office “this number has already fallen rapidly. Now it is only 10% of German employees and people return to the offices subject to certain conditions. The decreasing stress of families through homeschooling has also decreased significantly. So what is the situation after the lockdown in the IT industry? I would like to report from my experience.
Return to the office
So the return to the office has started since Corona. Large companies offer to come back to the office between 2 days and full time. Above all, companies like Siemens want to continue to work from home as part of the working method even after Corona. This was also stated in my doctoral thesis. I would have liked, however, that the cause was Das Mindset the manager and not a bad virus pandemic.
It is also gratifying that we are again cautiously taking our first business trips and I was also able to give 2 lectures at internal company events via my blog and I was also able to defend my doctoral thesis on site in May. So is it starting again?

Sales of many IT companies were stable
Of course, most of the major IT orders that were negotiated before Corona were not lost. They were just postponed. I notice that we are now resuming almost all of the orders from March.
Furthermore, it was shown that test products such as a cheap cloud to test for 10 euros made almost no sales. While companies wanted to test many new technologies before Corona, there was now no turning back: Large cloud projects had to be tackled! It was no longer tested but started directly with the cloud for the whole company. As I said: In times of crisis we have to act and not wait!
IT cloud products in particular are currently skyrocketing. Let’s look at the stock price of Zoom (video solution). An increase of 150% has been recorded since March and Microsoft has also made significant gains with Office365. At my company, too, we have been hiring new employees since June and are still busy looking.
I think that the IT industry only fell in a brief shock and that cloud service providers in particular survived the crisis in a stable manner. Consulting companies that provide third-party services on site and have no products have been hit harder. I think it will come as it was researched in my doctoral thesis: Stable and secure cloud products with a combination of consulting enable companies to be both internally and externally maximum agility, even in a crisis. It is therefore important here now to solve today’s problems with tomorrow’s methods and to make the right decisions.
[werbung] [fotolia]