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Agile leadership is on everyone’s lips and according to modern management literature it should be the “best practice of leadership”. While searching in internet blogs, magazines or specialist books, more and more tips and hints can be found on how a manager can lead in an agile manner. It is noticeable that these tips have often been put together by coaches, researchers and experts. But how can a manager implement and learn this type of leadership in everyday life?
It is important to follow certain behaviors and values that are associated with agile leadership. In my current research, I took the most frequently mentioned values and presented them to 66 executives in an online survey (Lindner 2019). I collected the data together with Tobias Greff from the AWS Institute. With the help of slide controls, the respondents were able to weight the values. I always took opposing values, such as perfection and speed. The result is in illustration 1 to see.
Now the question arises whether a manager can change habits and values so easily. Of course, people are able to make certain changes in personality, but this takes some perseverance. Our personality has been changing constantly since we were born and is influenced by our environment and our own actions and actions. In practice, it has been shown that even small interventions in one’s own character help people to live happier and more successful lives. You can find a first teaser from the article here.
Read the full article in Java Aktuell. You can download the article for free.