
Agile organization


In many companies, the task of managing the distribution of work among employees lies in the hands of a few decision-makers. There are also many other models that can lead to an effective way of working among the workforce. But to what extent can employees really act out self-organization and to what extent should they be given their own freedom of choice? What does self-organization actually mean? While in rigidly hierarchical companies the scepter of leadership is usually clearly assigned to one or a few actors, self-organized companies follow a different path. Because here leadership and its individual sub-areas are distributed according to competencies, skills and strengths so that employees are able to make decisions themselves and act accordingly. Nevertheless, fixed structures and processes remain in place in order to enable a fixed and orderly framework around self-organization. Within this framework, the workforce can move freely and focus on current…

Companies have always been in constant change. Be it in terms of technology or organization. Now that agile methods have found their way into companies, the credo is now to synchronize various agile and classic methods and to break up classic hierarchies in order to make your own organization faster and more flexible. One approach to this can be the Spotify model, which has been gaining more and more importance since 2014. But German companies are characterized by special processes and a long tradition – in contrast to Spotify, which started out on the greenfield. So is it possible to just copy the Spotify model? Certainly not! In this article, I would like to show my experience in introducing and adapting the Spotify model for a fictional German company and underpin it with my experience of the last 2 years from my professional experience with the Spotify model. For general…

For many companies, virtual work and setting up virtual teams have become an integral part of the organizational structure. Nevertheless, many digital leaders repeatedly deal with the problem that the greater the size and spread of the teams, the more complex collaboration becomes. It can quickly happen that the actual structure and organization becomes confusing and chaotic. There is an efficient way of splitting up a large amount of tasks o so that large teams can effectively organize virtual work. Is virtual work really as easy to set up as a cake buffet? Even if the headline of this article may sound ridiculous at first. You can actually compare virtual work to eating cake. How is that supposed to work? Very easily! Take a look at the following picture: Imagine they are selling cakes at a buffet. As a salesperson, you represent yourself as a team leader. Your buyers, who…

The subject of agility does not currently stop at any type of company. In addition to startups, a large number of large corporations and SMEs are now also taking care of the restructuring of work and organization. But regardless of whether it is about a modern start to business, the change to an attractive employer or the competitive advantage over the competition, the workforce does not always pull along. But how does that come about? Why do many employees initially close themselves off to agile methods? In the beginning it is mostly about the well-known problem of “change”. Employees in particular who have been working for a long time according to a certain and fixed principle and who have also coped well with it are less willing to leave their comfort zone. Because even if agile methods promise real added value and give employees more freedom to develop and organize…

You have probably heard of agility in your company and tried out one or the other agile method. There are also numerous articles on agility, which discuss a variety of topics from methods to mindset. Companies have been introducing agile methods for almost 10 years now. But what about agility and how agile are companies really? In the following, I will show two studies which, in combination, show the current state of agility very well. The central questions are: How widespread are agile methods in companies?Do agile methods really make companies more agile? Study 1: Status Quo Agile In the first study that I selected Prof. Komus with the GPM Over 700 project managers surveyed in 2017. The aim was to record agile methods in German companies. The most important results in a nutshell are: 70 percent of agile methods are used almost exclusively in software development and are increasing…

I would like to see a new article in the magazine Java Current Clues. You can download the article for free. Agile leadership is on everyone’s lips and according to modern management literature it should be the “best practice of leadership”. While searching in internet blogs, magazines or specialist books, more and more tips and hints can be found on how a manager can lead in an agile manner. It is noticeable that these tips have often been put together by coaches, researchers and experts. But how can a manager implement and learn this type of leadership in everyday life? It is important to follow certain behaviors and values that are associated with agile leadership. In my current research, I took the most frequently mentioned values and presented them to 66 executives in an online survey (Lindner 2019). I collected the data together with Tobias Greff from the AWS Institute.…

The culture of a team is crucial for the success and efficiency in the organization. In the course of restructuring a department, I did workshops with over 90 employees and 8 teams to find your own vision and values. I would like to introduce this here and offer the slides for download. Tip: Download the slides for the workshop What is team culture? I understand team culture as the Processes,Habits,Traditions,knowledge andexperience a group of individuals. What are the types of team culture? I believe that there are different teams in the company and that there are also good sides to them. On the one hand, there are teams that have a high level of orientation towards each other and who actually don’t care what work you do. They just have fun together. This is a great thing, especially for tasks that are not so exciting! On the other hand, there…

Companies have always been in constant change, which is nowadays closely linked to the buzzwords “digitization” and “agility”. Agile methods can pave the way for targeted digitization, especially in complex projects, and, on the other hand, digital technologies promote a more agile way of working. Through group discussions with managers from medium-sized IT companies, this article focuses on the question of whether agility is a prerequisite or a consequence of targeted digitization. This article is aimed at decision-makers from medium-sized IT companies who want to increase the level of agility in the company in the context of increasing digitalization. Download the paper (click here)

It is our ability to generate and understand language that makes us special. Our perception in society also determines our language. Of course, other forms of life such as animals also coordinate with each other, but this language is used more for mere information and is nowhere near as deep and complex as human language. The current shooting star of the Green Party Robert Habeck said recently : ” How we speak decides who we are – also and especially in politics. “He even published a book on how language influences democracy. In his work he gives tips on how a “poetics of democratic speech encourages people to interfere”. Language can also be an important tool in agile management to convince employees and to convey values. Let’s take that Negative example from Verena Bahlsen who said: ” That was before my time, and we paid the slave laborers the same…

With a view to current study such as from Hays shows a survey of over 1000 executives that 69% of the respondents consider agility more and more important. Important goals, sorted by name, are: Flexibility (55%)Speed (51%)Networking (46%)Adjustment (43%)Self-organization (43%) What the survey also shows, however, is that the implementation of agile methods, for example, is only used hesitantly. Only 11% of the respondents (all industries and departments) use Scrum and only 19% use design thinking. According to the survey, the current blockers (and therefore important requirements) are: Clear responsibilities and “power” for the agile roles (31%)Realignment of processes and organization (28%)Hardly any trust or pressure from management (26%) The “agility officer” in the company I often experience that there is an employee (e.g. agile coach) in the company who is supposed to introduce agility without any “power”. He reports regularly to management and usually complains about little or no…

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