Nice that you are interested in a guest article. I always look forward to new topics, ideas and fresh wind because there are a variety of topics that I cannot cover all of them.
Write an email to or use the contact form!
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For companies and agencies in english and german
The following information is binding for every guest article and is accepted when booking.
A guest article is a good way to promote the company or to upgrade your own domain with a backlink (do-follow). I have over 25,000 readers per month and the chance that you will win new customers through the guest article is very high. The Language is German and English.
You can find examples of guest articles here!
I ask companies / freelancers for a fee for the guest article. Upon request, you will receive an individual offer, which depends on the item topic. There are no requirements for the guest article. You determine the length and wording. I’ll give you helpful content tips and format the article for my blog for you.
Write an email to or use the contact form!
Your advantages
- Author’s box with a picture and a person / company description (maximum 500 characters, including spaces) – but also without, e.g. Marketing agencies on behalf of customers Perfect for winning new customers or getting a backlink (do-follow)
- Good Prices
- High distribution of your specialist articles through our good ranking in the search engines
- New articles appear automatically on the homepage and in the category pages
- Your texts will be tweeted and distributed on Facebook many interested and nice readers, who also contact you
- Professional graphic processing and internal linking will be done for you
Guestarticle Conditions
You can find the Guestarticle conditions here. You will accept them when you order the guestarticle.
Information about the guest article
The following information is binding for every guest article and is accepted when booking.
1. Are there any examples?
Naturally. You can find them here.
2. Is the article marked as an advertisement?
I dont do this with normal article. But if the article includes advertisment I need to clarify them as commerical with a small box because of the german law. If this is a problem for you just write me and we find a solution.
3. Is the link Dofollow or Nofollow?
4. How long does the article stay online (guaranteed term)?
As long as my blog exists at least 3 years.
5. Is the article creation included or should we deliver the article (both possible)?
I can write the article for an additional charge of 50 euros (400 words)
6. If we deliver the text, do you have any special requirements for the creation of the text (e.g. length of text in words, language style, address)?
No. I am completely uncomplicated and flexible!
7. How long is the processing time approximately (in working days)?
It takes a maximum of 48h
8. Must an author be specified?
It can go online anonymously or by specifying an author. You can not add links to the autorbox only to the text!
9. Where can I insert links?
No links can be inserted in the author box. You can insert links at any point in the article text.
10. Do I have to provide an author text?
No. You can also send the text to me without specifying the author.
11. How can I pay?
I only accept IBAN and Paypal (no fee). Other services are excluded or must be discussed with me beforehand. There is always a bill.
12. Is the article visible on the home page?
I decide this on a case-by-case basis. As a rule, it will not be visible on the home page.
13. will the article be in the Google index in any case?
I cannot guarantee this. I also take out articles if they are not indexed by Google.
14. what else do I need to know?
You can find the terms and conditions for the guest article here. You accept them with your order. However, I will explicitly point this out to you in an email.

Guest articles and link rental on blogs and websites
For a blog or website, it is important how popular the page is on the Internet, how many users it reaches and how money can be made with the content. This requires sophisticated online marketing that opens up different perspectives and records long-term success with search engine optimization, content management, paid advertising and backlinks.
A high-quality content that appeals to users and offers them added value is crucial for every website. This also counts for the search engines, which use algorithms to determine which pages match which search result in terms of their content and are shown high up if they match. The content of websites determines the traffic and length of stay of users. The trend is therefore promising to focus on high-quality content.
This naturally raises the question of what constitutes good texts and articles on the Internet and what is necessary for their creation. There are numerous concepts for text creation and the use of keywords that enrich a text, but do not slow down the flow of reading. For the website or blog, there are text forms tailored to the digital sector, which are designed in such a way that they focus on the essentials and provide the desired information. You can also earn money with texts or you can increase your reach through paid contributions. We show what is important and how online marketing can be implemented in a promising manner.
What are good texts on the internet?
An essential part of content marketing and on-page optimization are online texts that represent a website or blog and at the same time refer to how relevant they are for search engines. They make up the largest part of the website and are expanded with images, graphics, logos and videos. The point is that you provide users with the information they want quickly and easily.
The influence of good texts on the search result and the rating of a website is correspondingly high. There are different types of text, such as SEO texts, links or sponsored posts. SEO texts are written with the help of functional and structural specifications in order to favorably influence the positioning in search engines. Sponsored Posts are paid advertising materials that are part of content and infuencer marketing and help to market a website and use it profitably.
With regard to recommendations and advertising in particular, it remains important that the texts provided do not get lost or that users immediately understand that this is an advertising page. At the same time, paid contributions allow a much greater reach. The less conspicuous advertising works with native advvertising and forms such as advertorials and native ads. They are designed to be adapted to the content of the website. But it is also interesting for bloggers to earn money with their own blog, for which a sponsored post can be helpful.
In general, different rules apply to texts on the Internet than to typical magazine or novel texts. User behavior is different online. The content of a website is initially skimmed over rather than thoroughly read. It is therefore important to specifically arouse interest with high-quality and appealing texts. This requires keywords, meaningful paragraphs, bold markings and a structure that is optimized and organized for the eye.
Good texts on the Internet are characterized by the fact that they are target-oriented, page-adapted, trustworthy and sales-promoting. A company that works with an online shop needs different texts than a blog that reaches users with complex topics where the information content is significantly higher than the sales promotion. At the same time, texts are only relevant online and promote the visibility of a website if they correspond to the search engine’s search algorithm.
In summary, the content requires good readability, sufficient information on the topic, relevance to the search result, the uniqueness of the content and a pleasant reading flow with good comprehensibility. In terms of “unique content”, it is a matter of not using or writing any texts that have been copied from other sites or are only slightly rewritten. These are not taken into account in link building either. A good structure and structure completes the whole. It is important to create paragraphs and levels, to insert images in the text in a meaningful way and to offer simple and optimized content for the eye. This increases the length of stay and reach and ensures recommendations that are made by other websites and have a positive effect on visibility in search results.
What is meant by added value when it comes to search engine optimization?
In connection with search engine optimization, or SEO for short, there is often talk of added value that the content of a page should offer. This is largely related to the online texts. Added value here means that website operators should design their site in such a way that it offers value and profit for users.
First of all, it is important that the content is relevant to the search result and that the keywords that enable the click on the website match, but on the other hand, the content should also be unique and increase the time spent on the page. This difference distinguishes websites that are successful and are listed high up by search engines and websites that are drowned in the chaos of information. The added value is determined by substantial information that is valued by users and search engines alike.
What is influencer marketing and what possibilities does it open up?
Part of online marketing is influencer marketing, which focuses specifically on communication, target groups and reach. The so-called influencers are users who are part of the desired target group. With these, the added value and good content of a website should increase trust and increase the credibility of a brand or product message.
Infuencer marketing is about attracting advocates for brands and products. These can be bloggers, experts, journalists, social media users, existing customers, celebrities, forum operators or YouTubers. In particular, social media platforms, YouTube and blogs are worthwhile for influencer marketing if a high number of followers is available and a product can be marketed with the help of skilful campaigns and through sympathy and trust. Likewise, copywriters or bloggers can publish posts on external sites and thus draw attention to themselves. We are talking about a guest post or article.
Influencer marketing includes guest contributions and sponsored posts. Both allow quick marketing and greater reach. Certain conditions are necessary for paid contributions, while at the same time they are marked as adverts or advertisements. Anyone who is a lot active on Facebook or Instagram knows the effect of such posts. With a small investment, posts are highlighted and shown to many users. This increases the click and like rate and at the same time opens up the possibility of drawing attention to your own product range or directing users to your own website who feel addressed by the posts.
Native advertising with sponsored posts and native ads
Sponsored Posts (Advertorials) are paid articles and contributions as part of an influencer marketing campaign that are booked on blogs, websites, online magazines and social media platforms and published or highlighted for a fee. They are used to point out our own services and products. The labeling requirement applies as advertising.
You have the advantage that the advertising is usually not perceived as annoying and intrusive, but appeals to a specific target group, who are usually also potential customers. This enables native advertising to be advertised as a strategy with paid contributions that hardly differ from the editorial part of the page or the online magazine.
For advertising counters and magazines, this creates advantages for both sides. The online magazine or blog receives a commission for advertising placed, while in return the space is made available for advertising in relevant posts. The content of the advertising is adapted, while advertising counters benefit from the high reach of the source and the trust of the user in this source.
Many online magazines offer advertisers the opportunity to accommodate paid articles and include them in high-quality articles with relevant topics. This happens in the form of advertorials, but also as native ads. Both variants are designed in such a way that they do not have a disruptive effect on readers, but are structurally and content-wise relevant and adapted.
Structure and impact of sponsored posts and native ads
In a sponsored post, links from search engines are set with an HTML code and represent a reference to another website. They are aimed at higher popularity, reach, branding or lead generation. Their classic execution does not differ significantly from the text in which they are integrated. Advertorials also provide detailed information.
Native ads, on the other hand, are more compact, contain a short text and usually also a graphic. They also enable the visually fluid insertion into the website content and can be meaningfully supplemented with sponsored posts.
In order to achieve a high impact of the placed advertising, it is important for agencies and companies to know which channels and sources are suitable and where the desired target group can be addressed. Paid contributions allow a detailed communication of the expertise or brand presentation. At the same time, they are designed in the text in such a way that they convey even complex issues in an understandable manner. Here in particular, it is important to provide a basis that is both informative and entertaining. It is important to arouse user interest and thus generate customers.
Sponsored posts are also used by many bloggers who provide companies with advertising space on their site and thus independently make a recommendation for the link. The advertising should match the blog content. For a successful implementation, it is advisable to use advice pages that show how advertising can be integrated into the blog without being annoying.
Guest articles
Guest posts are an alternative to paid articles. These are texts that are written by a copywriter or webmaster and published on an external blog. This is primarily used to receive recommendations as a link and to increase traffic for your own blog or website. At the same time, new target groups can be reached, who become aware of your own offer.
Blogs and websites that integrate guest articles usually ensure an optimized presentation, usually with an author box containing a picture and a description of the author, with a link to your own site and a high degree of dissemination. It is worthwhile to integrate such articles on websites that already have high traffic and a good reach. On the one hand, there are pages with editorial content that are happy to implement and publish such articles if the guidelines are adhered to; on the other hand, bloggers and copywriters can also write to pages and make suggestions for topics that are of interest to the portal.
Search engine optimization for better accessibility and content optimization
There are also various options available in the SEO area to make a website and brand more popular or to make money on the Internet. It is part of online marketing and includes important strategies to make a website more visible in search engines and to positively influence the positioning. An important part of search engine optimization are back references from other websites and keywords that are placed in the text and refer to the page content. For high-quality content and texts, the keyword rate should be consistent and the keywords used are organic and natural and relevant to the topic. You should not interrupt the flow of reading in an unfavorable way.
An important part of SEO is link building, which enables various forms of implementation. On the one hand, website operators can rely on natural link building, on the other hand there is also link rental.
External links from other websites are an important part of search engine optimization. They are rated positively by search engines and thus increase the ranking of a website. This is a back reference as a link with anchor text that leads from an external website to your own website. The anchor text refers to the website and is usually highlighted in color so that it can be recognized as a link. It describes the content and should contain appropriate terms that indicate where the link is being made.
For search engines, many links from external sites are a good indicator of the popularity of a homepage, so that it is rated as interesting for users. However, with the improvement of the algorithms, the controls have become stricter. In principle, external links represent recommendations made by independent websites. Accordingly, they are the essential component in link building and should be built up gradually using clever tactics.
Successful linking is possible from authoritarian websites with high traffic and good reach. It is therefore important to always check where links are set and how they affect your own marketing and SEO.
The natural link building usually generates very high-quality backlinks that are also long-term on other websites. At the same time, links are also created automatically when high-quality content is generated that appeals to users, or when, as already shown, guest articles are written and published on external blogs. It is therefore usually the case that quality takes precedence over quantity. Too high a number of external links can generate spam or devalue the website’s content.
Link rental
Another option is paid links. They are not popular with search engines and influence the algorithm through the quantity of external links. This can initially lead to a higher ranking and higher site visitors, but it does not always pay off in the long run.
Link rental is interesting for pages that are still unknown and require a higher positioning in the search result. Links can either be bought or rented, whereby the rental is more profitable, as websites are subject to constant change processes and the purchased link then quickly loses value or disappears completely if the website goes down in the search engine.
Renting, on the other hand, is possible at low monthly or annual costs and allows website operators to only pay for the setting as long as the link exists and is used. There are special agencies and link marketplaces for link rental, where the range of high-quality links is large. It is possible that pages make their external links available for other websites or wait for tenants who want a link to be set. In addition, the offer includes individual links and automated backlink construction. With the latter option, the providers decide which links are used, while individual links are more expensive, but can be selected in detail.
Link renting poses a lower risk than link buying, although both are not welcomed by search engines. The initially achieved reach can then also become a trap if search engines recognize this as a manipulation of the ranking. This can not only result in the loss of a good positioning in the search engine, but also a warning or even the deletion of the website in the search result. In this case, Google speaks of a “Google Penalty”.
It is not said that search engines discover artificial link building. However, with the constant adjustment and improvement of the algorithms and link analysis, the risk increases, so that link rental only makes sense if it contains topic-relevant focal points and these are similar to the content of your own website. Some website operators that have high traffic offer the rental of links with high quality backlinks. As direct backlink rental of individual links, tenants and landlords are on the safe side.
There are numerous ways to make websites and blogs known through successful texts and content with added value and search engine optimization and to place your own advertising. The cooperation between providers and beneficiaries is usually a win-to-win situation for both. While some receive a commission, the others achieve a higher reach and more traffic, can generate new customers and leads and increase the length of stay.
High-quality online texts, guest posts, backlinks and native advertising are crucial for this. In order for users to become potential customers, creative online marketing is necessary. Bloggers and website owners can also make their pages available to advertise and make money.