“The future is agile: A rapid technological change, a constantly increasing rate of change as well as far-reaching social changes require dynamic robustness, flexibility and liquid structures – in one word: agility. Agility is the survival paradigm of the knowledge society.” ( Mark Wagner With these words, Mark Wagner opens his whitepaper on creative spaces. This topic is just one of the many subtopics of the hashtag: futurework. Everyone works with! The trend has been going in one direction for years: A. ll should participate in the company and so far companies have always managed to do better. Driven primarily by digital technologies. When people talked about the “interactive web” in Web 2.0, apps and the Internet of Things made it much more interactive. Now there are numerous other possibilities through, among others, CloudServices. The goal of Futurework is now to adapt the workplace and work to this “hands-on culture”.…
Only a few words need to be lost about the relevance of digital transformation. That’s how magazines speak of digital Darwinism or “adapt or die”. The digital transformation is in full swing and is changing the German economy. Overall, the digital transformation can be understood in 2 ways (source Petry): Technically this means the preparation of information for storage in a digital technical system. in the Overall context It means the technologicalization of entire industries in a profound sense, so strategy, organization and socioculture are also affected. For a further definition, read the soon as well Article on digital transformation. On the one hand, these changes are profound and, on the other hand, they have been developing for years. In this sense, many speak of a digital (r) evolution. For this reason, the aim of this article is to examine arguments for the digital revolution as well as for the…
“The digital transformation is changing business models and processes and is therefore calling into question traditional management approaches. Digitization is not just about using new technologies. Established business models and management approaches have to be fundamentally changed. What does a digital leader have to do to master one of the greatest challenges for companies, digitization?”so TimeTac Time recording in the call for a blog parade in which I would like to participate. In the run-up to this article I would like to mention that I am currently working with Tobias Greff on the study ” Digital leadership in SMEs – a view from the perspective of executives ” perform. However, this is still being reviewed and will be published soon. I would therefore like to publish some of the results in advance in a summarized form. What is digital leadership In the study mentioned, Tobias Greff (AWS Institute for Digital…
Foreword by Dr. Andreas Zeuch I first met Dominic via Twitter and then via Xing. In the course of our dialogue we began to deal with the current and pressing topic of “New Work”. In this context, Dominic wrote my last book “All Power for Nobody. Awakening of the Corporate Democrats “read and today he publishes the review here. In order for all of us to be successful in facing the challenges of a social transformation towards more participation, including in the world of work, closely interlinked cooperation and ongoing dialogue about the risks and opportunities of democratic work design are required. Today’s review is a step more in this direction, which I fully support and which of course delights me. You, dear readers, have fun with the following review. Dr. Andreas Zeuch (* 1968) accompanies companies as a consultant, trainer and speaker on their way to more participation and…
The topic of digital transformation is on everyone’s lips and is leading to a so-called “digital change” in many companies. According to many companies, this digital change first requires a digital strategy. But what does this mean for companies and what can such a digital strategy for digital change look like? Digital strategy To counteract the rapid pace of digital transformation, many sources suggest “transforming the company in an agile manner”. One Article on agility and digital transformation I have already published. A fundamental change from analog business models to digital is also in the foreground for the digital strategy. The basic idea in this blog is the structural change from companies to “agile” and “evolutionary” companies. Because in this way they can react flexibly and quickly to the coming complexity of the digital transformation. In the following, we will initially start with the fundamental structural change of companies as…
The digital transformation is hitting German companies like a steam hammer. To clarify this trend typified by many magazines, this article examines triggers, people and employees in digital transformation. To do this, I examined the hashtags future work, digital work and leading digital. The first part of the article examines why companies strive for “leading digital” and what this exactly means. In the second part, digital work is discussed as an answer to digital transformation. Leading digital Leading digital means market leadership through digital transformation of the company and / or the business model. The article deals with why companies are striving for this and how this change manifests itself exactly and which steps are necessary to implement it. The trigger of the digital transformation The digital transformation is called the rapid growth of technology launches in German companies. Through global markets and a high level of competition, companies strive…
The digital transformation is changing the world of work and, according to many authors, calls for agile leadership. One Article on the topic of agile leadership You will find here. Before that, I would like to turn to the topic of digital leadership. But first of all: what is this digital transformation actually? Due to the rapid increase in technologies, we speak of a “digital transformation” in every area. Famous examples include Apple, which has fundamentally digitized the music industry and has thus reacted to the new customer request: to have music anytime, anywhere. Kodak also had to fundamentally change its business model from analog cameras to digital ones. Many authors do not want to say whether the digital transformation is an evolution or a revolution and therefore speak of the “digital (r) evolution”. Along with this, the leadership and the world of work also change. This is under the…
Consulting 4.0 – The consulting market is changing and is reacting to the digital transformation. Today’s consulting landscape is clearly different from that of a few years ago. The magazine Consultingmarket said: “Digitization has hit the consulting industry. Every management consultant is now talking about Industry 4.0, digital transformation and Big data . ” What does that mean exactly? Since I myself work as a management consultant in addition to this research project, I regularly observe changes in my daily work and therefore mix a few of my own impressions into the text. Consulting 1,2 and 3.0 The first legitimate question that comes to mind as a young management consultant is: What was actually before? What characterized Consulting 1,2 and 3.0? Unfortunately, I cannot name a clear source here, as I had to look for the information from various sites. Consulting 1.0 is thus the classic solution advice for technical…
Digitization will change working life considerably in the coming years – in almost all areas. If you don’t prepare, you will have a problem, one of those Articles from the world. The digital change is therefore increasingly changing our professional life. Without computers and the Internet, work stands still in many companies today. Craftsmen manufacture furniture or car parts with digital help, architects create construction plans in no time at all, where they had to make elaborate drawings beforehand. Employees are connected to one another via social networks, digital programs facilitate work processes and agreements with one another. Employees can concentrate on essential tasks and are no longer overloaded with administrative tasks, for example (source: Education experts ). Digitization in the workplace: Home offices are usually better equipped than the office In the Study by WiWo on digitization in the workplace can be summarized as follows: ” Digitization is more…
“Office work in German corporations is now organized like factory work. Monotony in the service of efficiency “, according to Brand Eins in the issue” New job “. The “Lean Office” has found its way into Germany, the magazine continues. I did extensive research about this new #office factory, looked at what is hidden behind this term and wondered whether these really are the dangers of the “digitization of the world of work”. Digitization of the world of work – the #office factory In addition to many opportunities, the digitization of the world of work also harbors risks. In the following, I would like to present a few examples that show that the office can become a small factory with the highest level of efficiency. The Lean Office … Already the IG metal says: The new wave is taking hold of the office world. Lean office is the magic word…