Nutrition is the be-all and end-all for a person’s productivity. Sitting for long periods in particular and working in front of the PC is actually not exactly the best thing you can do. Numerous fitness magazines provide help and recommendations for action for a healthy diet. However, it is often the case that in addition to everyday office life and all the agile work, there is no time to implement these extensive recipes. That’s why I would like to give you a few tips for agile nutrition in everyday office life. Eat like an emperor in the morning, like a king at noon, like a beggar in the evening (unknown). Tips for agile nutrition in everyday office life My recommendation is never to give the body more than 500 calories at a time. Of course, the cheat day, i.e. a day on which you eat as much as you like,…
FliegÜbersZielHinaus AG has recently been under heavy pressure from the upcoming main session. Thousands of families and groups of young party-goers want to start their planned vacation in the unofficial 17th state of Mallorca. FliegÜbersZielHinaus AG is a manufacturer of high-quality aircraft and supplies the customer IchWechselStestandMeineAnhaben AG. Due to the dynamism and the high order volume of 50 aircraft, the management decided to introduce the Scrum method and to cope with the workload through agility.Immerse yourself in a Scrum simulation between changing customer requirements, surprises and absurd management decisions. As part of a Scrum Team, can you help companies and deliver the 50 aircraft on time despite unclear requirements and fluctuating order quantities?I came up with this Scrum simulation myself and I hope you enjoy it. I have not checked whether this is similar to any other Scrum simulation. If you notice anything, please feel free to contact me.…
“Work when, where and how you want” is more than a startup vision from Silicon Valley. Even large corporations such as Microsoft, Daimler, Siemens, Adidas, Datev and numerous medium-sized companies are carefully considering how Work 4.0 will be organized in their companies. Concepts such as bring your own device, home office and new types of office concepts are the consequence of the digitization of work. Already in my round tables I noticed that company agreements and legal framework conditions are currently making agility and digitization more difficult. in the 3. Round table That is why the IT (employees) board member of one of Germany’s largest trade unions gave us an initial insight into the status quo: “It is by no means the case that we want to prevent Work 4.0, but we are already far too agile in defining guidelines and mobile work and are even conducting studies on it.…
Foreword by Dr. Andreas Zeuch I first met Dominic via Twitter and then via Xing. In the course of our dialogue we began to deal with the current and pressing topic of “New Work”. In this context, Dominic wrote my last book “All Power for Nobody. Awakening of the Corporate Democrats “read and today he publishes the review here. In order for all of us to be successful in facing the challenges of a social transformation towards more participation, including in the world of work, closely interlinked cooperation and ongoing dialogue about the risks and opportunities of democratic work design are required. Today’s review is a step more in this direction, which I fully support and which of course delights me. You, dear readers, have fun with the following review. Dr. Andreas Zeuch (* 1968) accompanies companies as a consultant, trainer and speaker on their way to more participation and…
Everyone is talking about agile companies. But what exactly is agile? And: What does “agile” mean in the context of a company? I would like to try to give a first definition. I would like to emphasize that I limit myself to the definition of agility for companies. Many companies see agility as a kind of holy grail, which can solve all problems and mix the term with various things. We often hear the sentence: “We are now doing it agile!” What is agile Agile companies In this article I will give a brief introduction as well as a quick definition. Then I’ll go into the measurability and dimensions of agility. In order to define agility precisely, I first looked at numerous books and assigned various properties to agility. Then I provide a second definition from the typical practice books about Laloux, Gloger and Co. Tip: I have already published…
Sociocracy, democracy and holacracy are currently on everyone’s lips. According to some media and journal papers, the three concepts are intended to represent the future of companies and could represent the next form of Company evolution after Laloux represent. However, it is not clear which one will really prevail and whether one will prevail at all. Below we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of all three models. The sociocratic enterprise and sociocracy Sociocracy (Latin: socius: companion and kratein: to govern) assumes that all parties involved are the same when it comes to managing decisions in a company. A decision is made as soon as there is no longer any serious counter-argument. The method therefore requires self-motivation, a cooperative togetherness and personal responsibility. In accordance with the Management Y principle, it also aims to ensure that employees “feel good” and therefore strive for self-realization in the company. Management X means…
Democratic companies? Several non-academic articles contain sentences such as: “Bye dictator”, “No more hierarchy” and “Democratic structures enter companies”. What you mean by that seems to be obvious: Employees are increasingly allowed to have a say in companies and now the first ideas are loud like: “Let’s choose the managers ourselves”. But let’s start from the beginning. I first went looking for literature in academic databases and found many empirical studies that democracy works very well, especially in the non-profit sector. Then I talked to some clubs I knew and noticed that these studies seem to be largely correct. The academic journal articles call for an empirical test in companies as well. The authors Sattelberger et al. with her book on “Democratic Enterprises”. Democracy in companies apparently offers another approach to a sustainable company alongside Sociocracy and Holocracy . How realistic is democracy in companies? The authors of the book…
More quickly! More quickly! More quickly! The world is turning faster and faster. Doesn’t that seem like that to you too? More and more projects and emails have to be processed every day and all of this in parallel. According to many authors, there is a clear problem here between external and internal requirements of the company. According to Brandes et al. the concept of sociocracy. What this means, I already have in explained another article. From this framework, the authors Brandes et al. the framework “Management Y”. More humanity in management According to the authors, successful organizations display a mature and humane culture. A paradigm shift from management X to management Y is taking place. Management Y serves the employee. People are not lazy, they are ready to make good contributions to something big. Living Management Y fundamentally changes our image of man from authority to serving management. Brandes…
Agile scaling in the company – but how? Since the introduction of agility, we have been trying to scale it. The first step towards agile scaling was taken with Scrum of Scrums. Subsequently, a large number of agile evangelists began to think about solutions for a company-wide scaling of Scrum and wrote very exciting books and approaches from 2010 to 2016. LESS, DAD, SAFe? Is it all just marketing? It all started with the SAFe Framework by Leffingwell (2010). The magazines reported about this framework as being very bureaucratic and inflexible. Leffingwell has greatly improved this framework to date and releases new versions every year. More information is available in his new book . IBM then wanted to scale agility and, with Ambler and Lines in 2012, created Disciplined Agile Delivery, a collection of many best practices that were introduced in 2012 have been published as a book . In…
Organizations are in constant change. A core task of the modern manager is to carry out changes together with employees and to actively involve them in the process. Especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers and constantly changing market conditions, it is important to make a company fit for the future. this has Frederic Laloux in his book Reinventing Organizations examines the organizational development of the last 100,000 (!) Years in detail and provides information on where modern organizations should move. Reinventing Organizations In his book, Laloux gives an insight into his research on organizational development. In addition, the author even moves back up to 100,000 years. He assigned a color to each of the epochs and characterized them precisely. This is how we start our journey through time of over 100,000 years of organizational development. I will only go into the individual phases of development very briefly…