Many want to take the step into top management and become department heads. But the way is not easy. As a team leader, I suddenly no longer manage 8 but 80 employees and taking on the leadership of executives becomes relevant. Strategic topics are also on the agenda, which is new for many team leaders. Conversely, strategic topics are nothing new for the staff units, but leadership. Such a climb is worth it, according to Stepstone – While a Team leader in IT Earned 65,000 to a maximum of 76,000 euros a year – comes in Head of department in IT to 76,000 to 90,000 euros. The rise brings a lot of salary again and I think that the magical 100,000 is also possible after 4-5 years. In 2019 I was also able to rise to the position of department head and would like to report how I managed to…
Is a doctorate worth it? I also asked myself this intensely before I started my doctorate in 2015. According to Survey of over 30,000 doctors on Specialists with a doctorate earn around 20,000 euros in business administration and law even 33,000 euros more per year than graduates. But why do doctors make more money? How can a PhD improve me so that I can make more money? Since (today) October I am finished and can officially carry the doctorate. After getting the certificate from the mailbox, I paused for a moment. I reflected on what skills the degree brought me. Of course, I have a lot more salary than my colleagues (around 25,000 euros), but it depends on the knowledge. Because: You have to earn a salary. That’s why I asked myself: What skills did I acquire through the doctorate that differentiate me from others? Reading tip: Methodology of…
You know it: some time ago you joined a project as an employee or consultant and a successor has been promised for months. But it does not come and technically or from processes / relationships you may be so involved that training a new employee for the company simply takes too long. In this article I will help you get a project ready for delivery and get ready for new tasks. Because you can only grow and advance professionally if you regularly receive new projects. Step 1: create documentation The first step is to make your project ready for delivery at all. You should create meaningful documentation for this. Projects are often characterized by so-called “historical knowledge”. During my consulting time, I noticed that a new employee usually needed 6 months before he knew the language, vocabulary and processes in the project. It was always said: “Well, you know that…
The corona virus keeps the world in shock and companies in the home office. Currently, 25% of German employees work from home and work 100% in virtual teams. According to a survey of 1,000 employees by the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (2020), over 45% of companies are not ready to offer home office and “only” 58% of employees expressly want their employer to work from home. You notice that the majority of companies either do not have sufficient IT or useful digital processes for collaboration. Both may also apply. This is exactly what you should see as an opportunity. Managers pick up topics and design processes In my opinion, a good team leader or manager must be able to ensure that work is completed in addition to his day-to-day business. He takes himself as subject areas and defines processes. Now comes the operational team management: to monitor compliance with the processes.…
To this day, the middle class is Germany’s secret weapon.Peter Altmaier During my doctorate, I made the decision to focus on small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) or medium-sized companies (owner-managed). The most important differences to large companies are the focus on often rapid growth, low budgets, short decision-making paths and the “myth” about the founder. Now, in the evening of some days, you ask yourself: where should I work? Where are people happier? In SMEs or large companies? Reading tip: Differences between SMEs and large companies To shed some light on this, the Stepstone 2019 (Q2) portal surveyed over 19,000 specialists and managers from all over Germany and obtained exciting results through a significance analysis, i.e. separation of the results according to large companies and SMEs. I would like to summarize the most important ones below. Reading tip: Link to the study Skilled workers are the backbone of companies and…
The pressure on results increases in the short term, the pressure of expectations grows in the long term. The following scenario sounds familiar to you: On the one hand, managers and customers demand quick decisions and immediate success without much consideration for the day after tomorrow and, on the other hand, the company should be made fit for the future. Issues such as sustainability, compliance and new technologies should find their way into the company proactively and at an early stage. What are the reasons: Political instability, new trends, new technologies, competitors and a still unknown Generation Z make long-term planning almost impossible. Even employees seem to have the motto when changing employers: “After three years you can, after five years you have to!” to be taken very seriously. Often the reasons mentioned force managers to opt for short-term success, as this is foreseeable and measurable. But how can you…
“You are a very good employee and very valuable to the company. However, you will need to be with the company for a few more years to be promoted. We will then discuss this in the next annual meeting. ” … said the boss – and the requested promotion or salary increase was a long time coming. In the following I would like to give some tips on how to put pressure on managers to act. Consequences of lack of action by managers The missing raise is according to a survey of 1000 employees the most common reason (34 percent) to quit. According to the study, only one in five respondents received an increase and it is hardly any different for promotions. Only 16 percent were promoted internally before they were given notice. The consequence of a lack of action by executives is numerous layoffs and thus a loss of…
Career is defined as a successful advancement in the profession (Duden) and for many an important goal in life. For many employers is an important building block. For a long time employers have been ranked by such as Great Place to Work, Trendence, Glasdoor or Kununu. All rankings have one thing in common: They differentiate between industries and company sizes such as: Small business (up to 9 employees)Small businesses (up to 49 employees)medium-sized companies (up to 249 employees)large companies (up to 1999 employees)Large companies / groups (from 2000 employees) I know from my own experience that careers in small and large companies differ significantly. Therefore, in this article I would like to give tips on careers in roughly two types of company: Small and medium-sized companies (medium-sized companies – up to approx. 499 employees)Large companies and corporations (from 5000 employees)Companies with between 500 and 5000 employees are the so-called upper…
Do you want to advance professionally and make an effort every day and hope that opportunities arise for you? But are you often told that you need even more experience or that other skills are important when it comes to promotion? How about if someone who has already achieved your goal is at your side as a mentor with advice and action? Getting up is often not easy because, for example, as a team leader or project manager, different skills are important than when employed as an employee in day-to-day business. You may not know this and an experienced mentor can help you learn the unwritten laws. This will prevent you from working harder and faster and the promotion being a long way off. Reading tip: Getting ahead professionally: Become a senior What is mentoring? Mentoring goes back to the historical roots of Homer’s Odyssey. When Odysseus had joined the…
Are you professionally successful and have you achieved your first goals? Now would you like to take the next steps and are you already busy planning? Surely numerous experts have helped you along the way and you should consider whether you want to give something back and pass on your knowledge to a young person as a mentor? What is mentoring? Mentoring goes back to the historical roots of Homer’s Odyssey. When Odysseus had joined the campaign against Troy and left his home in Ithaca, he asked his friend Mentor to take over the education of his son Telemachus. This was one of the first historical mentions of mentoring. According to the Google Mentoring is one: Advice and support from experienced specialists or managers. Benefits of being a mentor The advantages of mentoring are manifold. I would like to name a few important ones that motivate me every day. Mentoring…