Employees don’t leave companies, they leave bosses! I already said that 2019 an article from T3N : The magazine quotes you Gallup Report : Quite often, bosses are the reason employees quit. Almost 70% of the factors that contribute to professional dissatisfaction are directly related to the superior. If you are also thinking about changing jobs because of the manager, because her boss is unbearable or a narcissist, then you should continue reading this article. In the first step, I would like to discuss such unbearable behavior and then examine whether a termination is really the only solution. The behavior of bosses Unfortunately, a study shows that the number of personality disorders is increasing massively, especially at management level. A survey of the German Graduate School of Management and Law of almost 850 executives shows that over 300 people exhibited a high level of personality disorder. Lawyers (36%), managers (27%)…
To promote self-organization and transparency, there are now numerous software tools that are already used frequently. Communication and collaboration via software is an essential success factor, especially in virtual teams. Self-organization is probably the most important success factor, especially in complex environments with capricious customers, and specialists also demand more and more participation in decisions in the company. Recently (2019) Xing asked over 17,000 of its members about salaries And a primary result is that every tenth XING user would change jobs for more meaningful work with greater self-organization. According to the study, Generation Y in particular places more value on meaning in their job than on the “pure paycheck at the end of the month”. Managers are responsible for ensuring the performance and motivation of distributed teams. How the motivation is ensured I have shown in another article. Today I would like to go into what the correct use…
I’ve been in the job since 2015 and have worked my way up from a consultant to a team leader and now to a division manager. I’ve always had ambitious goals and wanted to be in a position like this. That’s why I’ve learned a lot from my managers and have always observed them and asked a lot of questions since I started my career. I wanted to be prepared for the day when I was a leader myself. I noticed that I started at a time when things were only going uphill. A typical phenomenon of Generation Y, who grew up in times of high security and growth. The statistics show that Germany has been growing steadily since I started my career. So in my time since 2015 I have learned many strategies for growth and also geared my doctoral thesis towards them. Now I am a manager myself…
You surely know one or even several such people for whom empathy and compassion seem to be a foreign word. And yet it is not uncommon for this type of person to get through life more successfully and usually reach higher and influential positions at work. Experts call this mix of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy the “dark triad”. The three specific personality disorders often occur in everyday professional life among executives who, through their unscrupulousness and prioritizing their own goals and needs over those of their fellow men, literally free themselves the way to high career positions. In this part of the series of articles, this time the focus is on the characteristics of the Machiavellianism walk. What exactly does the term “dark triad” mean? Before I get into this article, however, Machiavellianism and in order to include the second of the three personality disorders, I would like to begin…
You surely know one or even several such people for whom empathy and compassion seem to be a foreign word. And yet it is not uncommon for this type of person to get through life more successfully and usually reach higher and influential positions at work. Experts call this mix of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy the “dark triad”. The three specific personality disorders often occur in everyday professional life among executives who, through their unscrupulousness and prioritizing their own goals and needs over those of their fellow men, literally free themselves the way to high career positions. In this part of the series of articles, this time the focus is on the characteristics of the narcissism walk. What exactly does the term “dark triad” mean? Before I get into this article, however, narcissism and in order to include the first of the three personality disorders, I would like to begin…
You surely know one or even several such people for whom empathy and compassion seem to be a foreign word. And yet it is not uncommon for this type of person to get through life more successfully and usually reach higher and influential positions at work. Experts call this mix of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy the “dark triad”. The three specific personality disorders often occur in everyday professional life among executives who, through their unscrupulousness and prioritizing their own goals and needs over those of their fellow men, literally free themselves the way to high career positions. In this part of the series of articles, this time the focus is on the characteristics of the Psychopathy walk. What exactly does the term “dark triad” mean? However, before I go into more detail in this article Psychopathy and to include the third of the three personality disorders, I would like to…
In ophthalmology, tunnel vision stands for a concentric narrowing of the field of vision to a central remainder ( Wikipedia ). You will surely notice that yourself: as soon as you do something for a while, you get the famous tunnel vision and lose sight to the left and right. Our body switches to such tunnel vision in 2 situations. On the one hand, as soon as the body isolates itself from other influences and stimuli in order to protect itself and on the other hand, after a while in a project, you cannot see the forest for the trees. The view is only just about. Problem: The tunnel view for managers You know it: you suggest a tip to managers, but they don’t listen to it. The head of department, who has been in charge of the department for many years, has run the risk of tunnel vision for…
I have been working with virtual teams for more than three years and keep building them up. Companies are often still organized in the classic way and start with the first virtual teams due to multiple locations and a shortage of skilled workers. This makes sense because, in addition to location advantages (customers, resources), skilled workers can also be employed in each region. In this article I would like to show my experiences, which are important for setting up such virtual teams and what exactly the specific differences to local teams are. Virtual teams mean that you have to work with tools. Tools like the phone, email, and video conferencing. Whatever it is, it is a different type of work and we are still in the process of fully understanding it.Member of the executive board of an IT service provider in Round table Represent work in a meaningful way, virtually…
Agility is a mindset and can often not be described that easily. While I have often discussed the manager’s own character for authentic leadership in many other articles, in this article I would like to give some more practical tips that can be used in everyday life. To do this, I use the metaphor of a gardener so that you can understand agile leadership more easily. What does a gardener have to do with agility? Grass doesn’t grow faster if you pull on it! (Proverb from Zambia) When I came into my first disciplinary leadership role, after a while an employee said to me: “I find it exciting that you almost never get involved in day-to-day business, but rather try to offer your people a good environment and create a stage ! ” That day I had an exciting conversation with the employee and I told him that “grass doesn’t…
You have been employed for some time now and your boss thinks your job is good? You are punctual, reliable and are often praised as a “good” or “very good” employee? But you have not been promoted for years and others are always preferred? The requirements for employees and managers differ significantly. A good employee is by no means a good manager. So if you want to be promoted, you must first make an advance payment: From tomorrow onwards, stop acting like an employee but be a manager. So move away from the mindset of the employee! Reading tip: Become a manager The mindset of employees I am now involved in the selection and coaching of managers and pay close attention to the manager’s mindset. As a manager you are not hired directly. The majority have worked as employees in day-to-day business over the past few years. The consequence is…