The digital change requires many companies to restructure their IT. However, many SMEs as well as large companies have had IT or many books for years and my articles also reflect the abstract models. However, I have found an approach that is not directly in the books and I call it that process-oriented approach . I call it that because it reproduces a process 1: 1 using a tool chain. You are also welcome to read more about the abstract models.
- Reading tip: IT organizational models
- Reading tip: IT organizational forms
Background of the approach
The term process digitization is on everyone’s lips and every step in the digital transformation should be supported by a tool or, ideally, automated directly. For this reason I think it makes sense to take a specific process and assign a tool to each step. I would like to show this on a typical project that is received by an SME.
Reading tip: What is an IT organization
IT organization example
This section gives an example of an IT organization for a typical SME. In this case, even an input from a customer project. In the following figure I have broken down the process into individual steps and assigned a tool to each and given a concrete example.

Lead generation or presales are often necessary before a project. A CRM tool like MS Dynamics can help here. Then it continues with the incoming order, which can be supported with an ERP tool. It continues with the creation of an offer for the customer, which can be supported by templates from, for example, Sharepoint. It is clear to me that these two steps can also swap depending on the definition. The offer can also be made before the order is received. In this case I assume that Presales writes a kind of preliminary offer and the actual offer process is only initiated as soon as the customer says: Yes, I want to buy.
Then the project is started with the help of templates from MS Office and the implementation is supported by Jira or Trello, among others. SAP can be used for billing. Every step can be supported concretely by a tool and the task of a CIO is to design this tool chain and to connect it to one another so that it is synchronized. For example, the data of the Sharepoint could be integrated directly into the MS Office templates using macros.
Reading tip: IT organization 2020
Conclusion: building an IT organization
This example shows a typical process digitization and the support of each step by a tool. I often find this approach in SMEs and also make sure that these tools are linked and implemented on the job. I’m really getting on with this approach. Of course there are many more and you can certainly make it more agile, but it’s a good approach. For more information, read my article on agile service providers.
Reading tip: Agile IT service providers
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