You know that: A company blog is to be set up and now the content has to be planned. You are dependent on the content of the company’s experts, but day-to-day business always comes first? So you can’t plan straight away and you don’t know exactly which items you need and will actually get?
I feel the same way. I blog out of whim and see how much time I still have in addition to work and private life. But how can you plan that? This is possible with the help of agile elements.
Agile planning: in a nutshell
I understand agile planning to be a vision, target definition or the setting of framework conditions. So, depending on the meaningfulness of a project, you have to do the following:
- a vision e.g. we enable car sharing for customers,
- Goals, for example, we create a CarSharing app for iOS or
- Framework conditions, for example, we improve the car sharing offer in the company with this team for 3 months.
The planning often runs through rough milestones and what is measured at the end: What did we get done? But how can such elements of agility be incorporated into blog planning?
Reading tip :
Agile content planning
For a blog, it is important to offer users meaningful content for a topic. I therefore recommend defining an overall topic or vision for the blog first. Mine is, for example: agility in digital transformation. So it combines the topics of agility and digitization.
Now, as with OKRS, certain sub-topics / goals must be defined on the basis of the vision. I recommend using categories for this. I have the main categories in the blog:
- digitalization
- Work 4.0
- Digital leadership
- Agile organization
- Articles for students
- Careers in IT
Now it is up to you as a content or marketing manager to fill them with articles. So you ask to write articles that fit into the categories.
Why should they do this? Readers want to be fully informed and Google will only rank you if you have a certain density of keywords on the page. For example, you only rank in Work 4.0 (search strength 12,000 per month) if you have written at least 30 articles on the topic. On the one hand, you have enough content so that Google assigns a keyword to your domain and, on the other hand, enough content so that a reader stays on your site for a long time.
Google digression: Google assigns global keywords to every page. At some point, Google will recognize from your articles that it is, for example, a blog for an aquarium. Your articles will then rank for aquarium keywords even though you don’t use the keyword at all. Google then defined you as an expert on this subject.
As a marketing manager, you would now simply have to communicate these categories in the company and guest authors and employees simply provide random articles that underpin the categories. In the end, you only measure: how much content I have per category. This means that your blog does not become too wide (too much content in all directions) and offers readers who want to find out more about a specific topic, e.g. digital leadership, enough content so that they stay on the page for a long time and even contact you at the end.
Digression: reader behavior: The best always wins on the Internet. For almost every keyword you will find a person who dominates it. I am always told that with Work 4.0 and related keywords you can always find my blog on page 1. So I seem to be dominating this keyword. Experience has shown that successful bloggers rely on 1-3 keywords and try to dominate them strongly. When you do that, you generate real leads.
It is also important that you link your articles internally. The reader should therefore have the opportunity to learn more about certain points that he would like to understand more precisely. So make sure that you also scatter the articles widely.
Example internal linking: You are writing an article about the use of software in the workplace. You describe that cloud-enabled applications are particularly useful for virtual teams. An article on virtual teams or cloud computing would be perfect as a reading tip. Another example is the impact of software use in the workplace, which leads the reader to another article on technostress and health in the workplace.
With the help of this planning, I don’t need an editorial plan or rely on schedules. I just write with the aim of filling my categories with as many good articles as possible and have clear topics in the blog. Whenever I write an article, I ask myself beforehand: Which category does it pay into? If not, then I’m just not writing to this one.
The advantage is that your blog has such a clear focus and is considered an expert blog for a keyword. This is usually how you generate the most leads. Of course, these are not all tips, just a rough overview. Of course there is still a lot to consider, such as
- Cluster articles sensibly,
- Overview / column articles,
- Keyword density of the articles and much more.
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