
Careers in IT


“You are a very good employee and very valuable to the company. However, you will need to be with the company for a few more years to be promoted. We will then discuss this in the next annual meeting. ” … said the boss – and the requested promotion or salary increase was a long time coming. In the following I would like to give some tips on how to put pressure on managers to act. Consequences of lack of action by managers The missing raise is according to a survey of 1000 employees the most common reason (34 percent) to quit. According to the study, only one in five respondents received an increase and it is hardly any different for promotions. Only 16 percent were promoted internally before they were given notice. The consequence of a lack of action by executives is numerous layoffs and thus a loss of…

Career is defined as a successful advancement in the profession (Duden) and for many an important goal in life. For many employers is an important building block. For a long time employers have been ranked by such as Great Place to Work, Trendence, Glasdoor or Kununu. All rankings have one thing in common: They differentiate between industries and company sizes such as: Small business (up to 9 employees)Small businesses (up to 49 employees)medium-sized companies (up to 249 employees)large companies (up to 1999 employees)Large companies / groups (from 2000 employees) I know from my own experience that careers in small and large companies differ significantly. Therefore, in this article I would like to give tips on careers in roughly two types of company: Small and medium-sized companies (medium-sized companies – up to approx. 499 employees)Large companies and corporations (from 5000 employees)Companies with between 500 and 5000 employees are the so-called upper…

Do you want to advance professionally and make an effort every day and hope that opportunities arise for you? But are you often told that you need even more experience or that other skills are important when it comes to promotion? How about if someone who has already achieved your goal is at your side as a mentor with advice and action? Getting up is often not easy because, for example, as a team leader or project manager, different skills are important than when employed as an employee in day-to-day business. You may not know this and an experienced mentor can help you learn the unwritten laws. This will prevent you from working harder and faster and the promotion being a long way off. Reading tip: Getting ahead professionally: Become a senior What is mentoring? Mentoring goes back to the historical roots of Homer’s Odyssey. When Odysseus had joined the…

Are you professionally successful and have you achieved your first goals? Now would you like to take the next steps and are you already busy planning? Surely numerous experts have helped you along the way and you should consider whether you want to give something back and pass on your knowledge to a young person as a mentor? What is mentoring? Mentoring goes back to the historical roots of Homer’s Odyssey. When Odysseus had joined the campaign against Troy and left his home in Ithaca, he asked his friend Mentor to take over the education of his son Telemachus. This was one of the first historical mentions of mentoring. According to the Google Mentoring is one: Advice and support from experienced specialists or managers. Benefits of being a mentor The advantages of mentoring are manifold. I would like to name a few important ones that motivate me every day. Mentoring…

Looking at a current study by Trendence (2018) shows that the current Generation Y is particularly interested in recruiting events. From several thousand interviewed young professionals and students: almost 60% have already attended a recruiting event30% are considering attending a recruiting event10% are unsure or reject such events Use recruiting events as feedback Of course, the advantages of such recruiting events are that you stand out from the crowd, get to know the employer better and maybe even secure points of sympathy for yourself. However, I see another useful advantage. Even if you are active in the job, you should attend recruiting events for two reasons: Reason 1: expand your personal network On the one hand, you often meet decision-makers and important company employees at the events. My tip: talk to employees in a relaxed atmosphere and then network (e.g. Xing). Such contacts are often worth their weight in gold.…

When I asked a company what exactly a software developer does at a school information day in 2006 before my studies, the company representative jokingly said to me: “He types 0 and 1 into a PC, and it keeps doing it faster and faster.” We both had to laugh afterwards, but it wasn’t that far from reality at the time. The job of the software developer was characterized by sitting at the PC and typing programming code according to specifications. To this day, the job description of software developers has changed completely. As early as 2016, numerous magazines such as Computerwoche asked: What do software developers have to be able to do? . If you look at the current description of the Job description of the Federal Employment Agency there is more than just the pure development according to specifications: analyze,conceptualize,to plan,develop andoperate information technology applications The activities of a…

After the first few years of work, there is often a desire to advance further. You work hard and want to show the boss that you have potential: Get out of the standard business and take on more responsibility. “I work hard but can’t get any further!” I often hear from my readers that they work very hard and receive a lot of praise, but do not get the desired promotion or professional recognition, e.g. senior consultant or staff position. The problem is, you’re just like that character in the hamster wheel. You work harder and harder and run faster and faster. But that is exactly what will usually never get you any further. This is also shown by a recent study by McKinsey: Fair promotion only exists in theory . T-Shaped Professional and the lighthouse theme At the beginning of your job you will usually become a generalist and…

Would you like to advance professionally and try to stand out in the company so that the long-awaited promotion comes to you? Company events are a good opportunity to get to know executives and other employees better, also privately, and to show that you can identify with the company in your free time. Is that true or are such events just unpaid overtime? Reading tip: Become a senior professionally Company events as unpaid working time Relaxing with colleagues over a beer after work or at company events – career boost or annoying overtime? To understand this better I would like to a survey by the job portal Karriere.at briefly point out. The results of the more than 500 interviewed employees on the topic of after-work beer with colleagues and company events are: Just over 30% find company events annoying and do not attend them at allJust under 30% limit their…

Success is defined as the positive result of an effort or the achievement of a set goal (Duden). Almost everyone strives for success. But success is not always success. I would therefore like to dedicate this article to the topic of success and break it down according to three generations, i.e. three types of success. In each category I give a slightly exaggerated example to illustrate. Perhaps you will find yourself in a category. Reading tip: Generation management Professionally successful through status: Generation X Generation X were born between 1965 and 1980 and are considered to be conscientious, status-oriented and demand a separation of private and professional life. So what could success mean for this generation? Studies and the current facts show that status and symbols are very important. Imagine: You drive to work in your big car in the morning and you are the head (manager) of a department.…

In practice you will find numerous freelancers who influence the business world through blogs, specialist articles or lectures with slogans and a wide range. One speaks of influencers or topic ambassadors. Today I want to blog something about a very special subgroup of influencers / topic ambassadors. It is about topic ambassadors who are employed in their own company and who represent a topic externally on a completely voluntary basis (e.g. do not earn any money with it). Imagine: an influencer would work for you in your company. What is a topic ambassador? The tasks of a theme ambassador are primarily in the area of sales and marketing. The ambassador has a topic such as agility or leadership and represents this externally through books, lectures, specialist articles or other actions. He is considered an expert on this subject in the scene. A topic ambassador is the mouthpiece of a self-selected…

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