My new book together with Paul Niebler and Markus Wenzel is online and in stores! It’s called: The way to the cloud – A guide for entrepreneurs and decision-makers!

The authors examine this essential Opportunities and risks of using cloud technologies and illustrate the topic through examples from research and practice. They explain the basics and use cases around delivery models – private and public cloud – and service models – IaaS, SaaS and PaaS – of cloud technologies. In addition, they give recommendations for action for the use of the cloud, which serve as input for further research and support users in finding strategies.
The content • Basics of cloud technologies • Opportunities and risks of using cloud technologies • Delivery and service models of the cloud • Recommendations for decision-makers and entrepreneurs
The target groups • Lecturers and students of business administration and business informatics • Management consultants, cloud experts and executives at the interface between business and IT