The advancing digitization is putting established business models and almost all processes under increasing pressure – from communication and recruiting to the business model or even your own products. On the other hand, it also offers a lot of opportunities. But how does a company get fit for the digital future?
Digital readiness index
To determine digital readiness, the “Neuland” initiative created a digital readiness index. This measures the arrival of companies in the digital world on the basis of 150 criteria. The study speaks of a digital Darwinism which lets companies “die” if they miss the digital transformation. The large consulting houses also offer their own metrics and methods to measure this readiness. Sentences like “It is time to completely digitize processes in which the user is the focus” or “No question about it: this experience will also change the expectations of customers in terms of communication, services and product offers with and from companies fundamentally change. ” However, these studies do not currently provide an answer to this digital transformation. There are certainly numerous methods of counteracting the propagated digital Darwinism. In the following, the structural change from companies to agile companies will be examined under the heading “digital agility”.
Digital agility

There is already an article on the Tham digital agility on the blog. Technology must not be an end in itself, the new type of added value counts in the transformation. Only agile companies can, for example, adequately meet the challenges of faster markets and technology in the future. The markets and the technological possibilities require companies not only to be able to react agilely and evolutionarily to environmental changes, but also to react quickly and adequately. From pioneer to settler, as can be seen in the illustration of Brandes. There is also one for this Article about leading digital with more explanation. Digital and agile companies are currently very popular. Concepts around Holocracy, Democracy and Sociocracy determine the management world and promise to revive companies and free them from complexity. However, all of the concepts have not yet been applied to digital transformation and do not yet provide a clear answer. We are currently in the process of researching with companies exactly the feasibility for digital transformation.
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Brandes, U., Gemmer, P., Koschek, H., & Schältken, L. (2014). Management Y . Munich: Campus Verlag.