LinkedIn is a really good choice when it comes to social media. It helps and provides opportunities for advancement as you grow your career network. This platform is consistently growing and is your choice if you want to advance professionally. Currently, in fact, the numbers show an exponential development. In the economic area of the DACH association alone, there are more than 16 million users, and 756 million worldwide. The platform has also managed to become more interactive, with the conversation rate increasing by almost 50% in 2021. So the founders here have managed to acquire diversity and thus advance to a personal social media. This is exactly where you can start to get that all-important expert status. Create personal content from your everyday business life, push your profile and your reach. We outline below how exactly this can work and what other tips can be implemented. tips for building…
Hybrid working means working partly in the employer’s office and partly in the home office. This trend has been around for some time now, since most data is stored in a cloud and the office worker only needs one computer for access. He or she does not need to carry files or electronic data carriers with him or her to change workplaces. The corona pandemic is now likely to reinforce this work organization. Various studies are looking at the prospects. Hybrid working world in the Robert Half Report The labor market report of the personnel service provider Robert Half was published for the first time for the year 2021. Primarily, it shows recruiting trends and the expectations of companies and employees. However, it also looks at hybrid working. Its popularity has increased during the pandemic, both among employees and employers, 86% of whom now see hybrid working as a permanent…
The current situation in the world of work presents many people with new challenges due to the Corona pandemic. Working from home and caring for children, for example, have to be managed here every day. The study “Theses on the hybrid world of work” addresses this issue and presents possible solutions. Why do people want the hybrid work world back? The Corona crisis is currently making remote work at home an experiment under duress. As a result, companies have had to quickly and unbureaucratically establish a digital infrastructure where it had not existed before.Employees have had to focus on new technological tools and quickly develop new methods and skills. In this way, they have learned that working from home can work for entire teams and divisions, even though they didn’t think it was conceivable. The fact that team meetings can be held not only in person but also digitally is…
No word is currently used as often in leading magazines as “digital transformation”. So the question arises: what is digital transformation and how can it be defined? In the following, this article is intended to summarize some points of this trend and, in addition to a formal definition, also show the reasons, potentials and actors of the “buzzword”. Digital transformation definition Digitalization is generally understood to mean a digital conversion and representation or implementation of information and communication or the digital modification of instruments (Gabler Lexicon). ” The digital transformation is understood as the exponential and permanent change of society and companies based on technology “(Lindner and Leyh 2018). Petry (2016) sees the rapid technological development as the basis of digitization, which has become faster and faster in recent years and therefore speaks of the age of acceleration. Hoffmeister’s book also states that the basis of digitization is also a…
“The future is agile: A rapid technological change, a constantly increasing rate of change as well as far-reaching social changes require dynamic robustness, flexibility and liquid structures – in one word: agility. Agility is the survival paradigm of the knowledge society.” ( Mark Wagner With these words, Mark Wagner opens his whitepaper on creative spaces. This topic is just one of the many subtopics of the hashtag: futurework. Everyone works with! The trend has been going in one direction for years: A. ll should participate in the company and so far companies have always managed to do better. Driven primarily by digital technologies. When people talked about the “interactive web” in Web 2.0, apps and the Internet of Things made it much more interactive. Now there are numerous other possibilities through, among others, CloudServices. The goal of Futurework is now to adapt the workplace and work to this “hands-on culture”.…
Corona affects us all – especially at work. Almost all German knowledge workers are currently working from home. Obvious assumptions about how we used to get work done are suddenly overturned. Digitization was massively accelerated and we had to change faster than we were used to. But how will COVID-19 and the lockdown affect us? I would particularly like to go into the permanent and current virtual collaboration. I have a Study from Asana found , which surveyed over 13,000 knowledge workers worldwide. In this article, I draw exciting findings from the study and comment on them. Above all, I deal with new challenges and recommendations for action on the challenges. Reading tip: Digital workplace New challenges for virtual teams since COVID-19 So what are these new challenges since COVID-19, or rather: which challenges are now more noticeable than before? I think it can be summed up in one word:…
Many companies handle projects for customers particularly efficiently and very well. The focus is on the customer and the service quality is excellent. In addition to projects for customers, companies also carry out internal projects. However, in contrast to customer projects, these are often very chaotic. It is true to the motto: outside Hui – inside ugh. Staff units do not know what to do, internal projects are delayed up to 12 months or have stood still for years and nothing is moving. At the same time, however, external projects are still being carried out very successfully. The question now arises: What can agile program management look like internally? How can I be just as successful internally as externally. In the following I would like to explain my idea and also show how the projects can be monitored (controlling) in a meaningful way. I assume that internal projects are always…
As an ambitious (young) professional you want to advance quickly and certainly prefer to take up a management position yesterday rather than today. I myself also decided very early on to take the path of management and already in the first semester of my studies thought about how I can get into such a position quickly and, above all, how can I be good at it? I would like to tell my story and then honestly show a few results from my assessment center on managers. Especially when applying for a position as a department head, for example, you measure yourself as a 30-year-old against people who are 20 years older. So you have to try to catch up 20 years in just 5 years of professional life. But how does it work? Preparing for a management career starts early! During my studies I already specialized in management and learned…
According to studies, meeting times have increased by a factor of 1.4 since the lockdown around COVID-19. So we sit in meetings much longer than before and since COVID-19 these have been almost exclusively virtual. From Zoom Meeting to Zoom Meeting – without a break – and we constantly look at the screen. It doesn’t seem to end and there isn’t even a 5 minute break between meetings. The zoom fatigue “Tomorrow I actually have video conferences all day – 9-10 am is the daily, then a meeting until 11 am and then a board meeting until 12 noon followed by a zoom lunch meeting. I don’t have a break in the afternoons either, and meetings continue until 5:30 p.m. ” Corona is increasing the frequency with which people take part in video and web conferences. In the quote, the person does not have a single minute of break from…
The advancing digitization is putting established business models and almost all processes under increasing pressure – from communication and recruiting to the business model or even your own products. On the other hand, it also offers a lot of opportunities. But how does a company get fit for the digital future? Digital readiness index To determine digital readiness, the “Neuland” initiative created a digital readiness index. This measures the arrival of companies in the digital world on the basis of 150 criteria. The study speaks of a digital Darwinism which lets companies “die” if they miss the digital transformation. The large consulting houses also offer their own metrics and methods to measure this readiness. Sentences like “It is time to completely digitize processes in which the user is the focus” or “No question about it: this experience will also change the expectations of customers in terms of communication, services and…