Digitization has a profound impact on everyday private and professional life. Companies are introducing a series of tools and new technologies to digitally support processes. In addition to their own resources, the companies also like to use external service providers. But that too is changing, as is the service provider Arvato states in his blog: The digital transformation creates new forms of cooperation in the company with external partners such as suppliers, consulting and IT service providers as well as with cooperation partners for the development and marketing of products and services. But how is such a new collaboration designed and what does that mean for German medium-sized companies? Does a classic IT service provider have to reinvent its business model or is it enough to turn a few screws? Digital transformation in medium-sized IT companies What tasks do outsourcing service providers and consultants have in the digital age? That…
How often do you look at your smartphone per day without it ringing? Even during working hours, we find ourselves regularly checking our display for new messages, whether it is flashing or not. But why do we feel this need to pick up the “phone” without being called or receiving a message? (Source Hubspot ). Many outside of Generation Z know a time before the smartphone. But how has our society actually changed from the age of knowledge to the digital age? The age of knowledge Meanwhile, a new age has arrived: the knowledge and service-oriented society. Above all, different and inconsistent processes are in the foreground. Today’s customers want individual advice, depending on their particular starting situation. A complex world with almost unmanageable access to innumerable sources of information requires knowledge workers (so-called “knowledge workers”) who work together to find tailor-made solutions (source: Adesso). That’s how he defines Blog…
Digitization is having a full impact on the German economy. The credo is clear. So it shows Quote from Haufe this quite clearly to: “The virtual world of shopping temples, social networks, news channels, games, travel, etc. It couldn’t be more convenient! Why shop on site, call in person, wait for the day’s news … when digital images, videos, rating systems, (customer) comments provide a faster, usually more up-to-date overview and offer better service? ” So it’s about making everything somehow more convenient and faster. Agile, fast, flexible … But what does this mean for HR and what does digitization have to do with it? The role of HR in digital change To a large extent, digitization also means tool support for various tasks. For example, the applicant selection can be done through a Big data Tool can be met faster or large numbers of applicants can be evaluated, contacted…
In times of digital transformation, the buzzword restructuring is on everyone’s lips. For the workforce, this means more pressure and fear of losing their job. “I was brought in to restructure here” is what many bosses say. Even I am currently experiencing constant change in my professional life. But change doesn’t have to be bad, because as in the 3. Round table has been said: People are not fundamentally against change. They just don’t want you to be changed. So it is not important to change people through cost savings or more pressure, but to adapt the organization to the workforce. Many magazines are currently talking about agile and digital organizational development. In the article I will try to describe both terms and see how such an organizational development could develop. [yop_poll id=”13″] Agile organizational development Agile organizational development should provide an answer to how it is possible to break…
“We live in a VUCA world” has been heard and read more and more recently. However, the term VUCA is by no means new and dates back to the Cold War era. There it was used by the US Army to describe the complex and “illogical” situation. Now, in the course of the digital transformation, this term seems to be finding its way back into literature. But what does it mean? VUCA world What does the term “VUCA World” actually mean and how is it to be interpreted? I have one approach in the blog of Complement found. VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) stands for the following: V (volatility) – prepare for wild times. The challenges will be unexpected and unstable, keeping you busy for an indefinite period of time. U (uncertainty) – hardly predictability, hardly predictability, potential for surprises C (complexity) – no trivial “recipes”, environment cannot be simplified,…
Longing for the end of the day on the way to work in the morning can be an indication that you are in love – or that you have already left your job behind you ( LaborABC ). After reading an article about Boredom at work wrote and he had really found a broad readership within a short time, I thought about what the consequence of boredom in the job can be. One approach could be as follows: Employees have internally quit after a period of boredom. But what exactly does that mean and what are the signs? What does it mean to have quit internally? “The internal termination As a concept of the world of work is a newer word formation with which the phenomena of lack of work motivation and minimization of the work effort are attempted to conceptually to a just acceptable extent. It is not the…
“Many have forgotten how to work independently” Human Resources Manager magazine . The magazine sees reasons in the fact that many employees have forgotten how to work independently due to classic management practice or hardly have the chance to learn it. Every decision, for example when to take vacation, was made for them by the manager, so that at first it was difficult for them to actually work in a self-organized manner, to take on responsibility and to show commitment. They also underline the thesis of my article on agile HR management – more than Scrum that more and more companies are now starting to transfer agile methods such as Scrum from IT to other areas of the company. Personnel development is not spared either. Personnel development in an agile context Provides an approach Dr. Ralf Graesslerwho states the following: “What we are currently doing is not moving a battleship…
The digitization of all areas of life has led to increasing complexity and companies find themselves in a conflict as a result of this development. One example is medium-sized management consultancy, which is one of the industries that has benefited greatly from digitization. However, primarily as the one who sets up, controls and carries out the large number of projects for the digitization of companies in a wide variety of industries. However, this is often hardly digitized itself. You can find more information in my article too Consulting 4.0 remove. The race for digital supremacy is also characterized by a rapid pace of change. American and Asian companies in particular are in the fast lane and are pushing competitors out of the markets around the world. But what about in Germany? How is the digital transformation progressing in German SMEs? The tradition in the middle class Successfully implementing digital change…
Purchasing, together with the other core functions of the production, logistics and sales value chain, is extremely challenged to adapt flexibly to the ups and downs of the markets. In a complex world, companies should not only focus on cleaning up their balance sheet structures, but above all on powerful and efficient agility in purchasing. Prof. Dr. Therefore, in its latest study, Komus states: Agile methods are becoming increasingly important in companies. Methods and principles from the areas of “Scrum”, “IT Kanban” and “Design Thinking” are not only playing an increasingly important role in IT development. Against the background of challenges and opportunities through digitization, globalization, Industry 4.0 this development will continue to intensify. Study on the topic of agile purchasing On the subject of agile purchasing, a team from Koblenz worked with Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus conducted an online survey in September and October 2016. According to information, 160…
“Employers shouldn’t like this news at all: More than every third German millennial wants to change their employer within the next two years at the latest” (source Horizont.de ). Studies on this topic are also currently being discussed in the well-known TV stations. Depending on the study, every 3rd or 5th employee has already quit internally and would like to change soon. I found these numbers alarming and took a closer look at the background to the studies. The leading career magazines and blogs also seem to have picked up on this trend and I have noticed for some time that I find more and more articles in my newsfeeds such as: Should you quit, how do I prepare a resignation, resignation, how do I tell the boss and much more. The diagnosis: boredom at work The studies point to boredom at work as the cause. So there is no…